hazır mıyız habi bakalım...
önce en sevdiğimden başlıyorum. gerisi tamamen karışık olacak. youtube linklerini paylaştım hepsinin.
(link: www.youtube.com/... : the last of mohicans)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : leon)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : amelie)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : amelie - piyano)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : good bye lenin!)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Pirates of The Caribbean)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : lord of the rings - rohan)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : lord of the rings)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : transformers)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : star wars)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : gladiator)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : braveheart)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : intouchables)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : forrest gump)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : titanic)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Mission impossible)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Schindler's list)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Schindler's List)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : das boot)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Apocalypse Now)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : The good the bad and the ugly)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : For A Few Dollars More)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : A Fistful Of Dollars)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : DjANGO UNCHAiNED)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : pulp fiction)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : kill bill)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : fight club)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Once Upon A Time In America)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : the pianist)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : the hateful eight)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : rush)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : inception)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : interstellar)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : the matrix)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : requiem for a dream)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : The Elephant Man)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : Mandariinid / Tangerines)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : rain man)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : rocky)
(link: www.youtube.com/... : harry potter)
ve son olarak baba
(link: www.youtube.com/... : the godfather)
al bu da bizden
(link: www.youtube.com/... : eşkiya)
hemen tüketmeyin. sakin sakin, azar azar tüketin. hadi iyi dinlemeler.