1. 'ın bence en iyi parçalarından biri, mevsimler değişir... siz de tabii ki

    sözlerini uçak kazasında kaybettiği annesi için yazmıştır. muhteşem bir ansemble ile de 23 dk'lık bir müzik şöleni haline gelmiştir.

    ayrıca filminden ler barındırır içinde...


    i remember a time
    My frail, virgin mind
    Watched the crimson sunrise
    imagined what it might find
    Life was filled with wonder
    i felt the warm wind blow
    i must explore the boundaries
    Transcend the depth of winter's snow

    innocence caressing me
    i never felt so young before
    There was so much life in me
    Still i longed to search for more

    But those days are gone now
    Changed like a leaf on a tree
    Blown away forever
    into the cool autumn breeze
    The snow has now fallen
    And my sun's not so bright
    i struggle to hold on
    With the last of my might

    in my den of inequity
    Viciousness and subtlety
    Struggle to ease the pain
    Struggle to find the same

    ignorance surrounding me
    i've never been so filled with fear
    All my life's been drained from me
    The end is drawing near

    "Carpe diem
    Seize the day"

    i'll always remember
    The chill of November
    The news of the fall
    The sounds in the hall
    The clock on the wall
    Ticking away

    "Seize the Day"
    i heard him say
    Life will not always be this way
    Look around
    Hear the sounds
    Cherish your life
    While you're still around

    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles today
    Tomorrow will be dying."

    We can learn
    From the past
    But those days
    Are gone
    We can hope
    For the future
    But there might not be one

    The words stuck in my mind
    Alive from what i've learned
    i have to seize the day
    To home i returned

    Preparing for her flight
    i held with all my might
    Fearing my deepest fright
    She walked into the night

    She turned for one last look
    She looked me in the eye
    i said, "i Love You

    So far or so it seems
    All is lost
    With nothing fulfilled
    Off the pages and the
    T.V. screen
    Another world
    Where nothing's true

    Tripping through
    The life fantastic
    Lose a step
    And never get up
    Left alone
    With a cold blank stare
    i feel like giving up

    i was blinded by a paradise
    Utopia high in the sky
    A dream that only drowned me
    Deep in sorrow, wondering why
    Oh come let us adore him
    Abuse and then ignore him
    No matter what
    Don't let him be
    Let's feed upon his misery
    Then string him up for all the world to see

    i'm sick of all
    Your hypocrites
    Holding me at bay
    And i don't need
    Your sympathy
    To get me through the day

    Seasons change and so can i
    Hold on Boy
    No time to cry
    Untie these strings
    i'm climbing down
    i won't let them push me away

    Oh come let us adore him
    Abuse and then ignore him
    No matter what
    Don't let him be
    Let's feed upon
    His misery
    Now it's time for them
    To deal with me

    i'm much wiser now
    A lifetime of memories
    Run through my head
    They taught me how
    For better or worse
    Alive or dead
    i realize
    There's no turning back
    Life goes on
    The offbeaten track

    i sit down with my son
    Set to see the Crimson Sunset
    (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)
    Many years have come and gone
    i've lived my life, but now must move on
    (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)
    He's my only one
    Now that my time has come
    Now that my life is done
    We look into the sun
    "Seize the day
    And don't you cry
    Now it's time
    To say good-bye
    Even though
    i'll be gone
    i will live on
    Live on"

    #280042 opethian | 2 yıl önce (  2 yıl önce)