ferrarisinisatanbilge'yle izlenilmesi gereken sayısız filmler:
coffee&cigarrettes the good, the bad, the weird intouchables don jon i origins fight club butterflyeffect inception midnight in the garden of good and evil mississippi masala the guru once upon a time in mexico 21 grams big fish secret window veer-zaara main hoon na khabi kushi khabi gham golmaal american history x gone girl the signal the ruins zombie strippers splinter boyhood coherence predestination enemy birdman nightcrawler whiplash 12 angry man v for vendetta runaway jury next my name is nobody die schatten von avalon rockstar wir waren helden alexis sorbas die ewigkeit und ein tag quintett flucht in die zukunft les tontons flingueurs four brothers max payne hell boy 2 fighting ninja assassin blood and bone the warrior's way the debt contraband inherent vice memento pulp fiction natural born killers goodfellas reservoir dogs the usual suspects american beauty twelve monkeys shawshank redemption snatch requiem for a dream donnie darko a true story knowing he died with a felafel in his hand the eternal sunshine of a spottless mind