1. 5. sezon 8. bölümünde dazed and confused filmine gönderme yapan çizgi dizi. ayrıca, aslında izlerken hiç de çizgi diziymiş gibi hissettirmeyen bir çizgi dizi.

    -- spoiler --

    diane: what do all these women have in common?
    mr. peanutbutter: they’re mean?
    diane: when you first start dating them.
    mr. peanutbutter: they’re fun?
    diane: they’re young. you keep dating women in their 20s.
    mr. peanutbutter: (şaşırarak)i do, do that.
    diane: they’re not fully-formed yet. life changes people.
    mr. peanutbutter: well, not me.
    diane: that’s kind of my point. you don’t ruin these women, they just grow up.
    mr. peanutbutter: so, what you’re saying is… they all grow up, but i stay the same age? all right. all right. all right. how do i fix that?

    -- spoiler --

    filmi izleyenler göndermeyi anladı*

    matthew mcconaughey’i saygıyla anıyoruz.


    alright alright alright:


    i got older, they stay the same age:

    #201864 vadim o kadar yesildi ki | 4 yıl önce (  4 yıl önce)