26 şubat 2012 tarihinde, billy crystal 'ın sunuculuğunu yaptığı ödül töreninde belli başlı kategorilerde ödül kazanan, aday olan film ve kişiler:
en iyi film: (bkz: the artist)
(bkz: the descendants)
(bkz: extremely loud and incredibly close)
(bkz: the help)
(bkz: hugo)
(bkz: midnight in paris)
(bkz: moneyball)
(bkz: the tree of life)
(bkz: war horse)
en iyi yönetmen: (bkz: michel hazanavicius) - the artist
(bkz: alexander payne) - the descendants
(bkz: martin scorsese) - hugo
(bkz: woody allen) - midnight in paris
(bkz: terrence malick) - the tree of life
en iyi erkek oyuncu: (bkz: jean dujardin) - the artist
(bkz: demian bichir) - a better life
(bkz: george clooney) - the descendants
(bkz: gary oldman) - tinker tailor soldier spy
(bkz: brad pitt) - moneyball
en iyi kadın oyuncu: (bkz: meryl streep) - the iron lady ( margaret thatcher rolüyle )
(bkz: glenn close) - albert nobbs
(bkz: viola davis) - the help
(bkz: rooney mara) - the girl with the dragon tattoo
(bkz: michelle williams) - my week with marilyn ( marilyn monroe rolüyle )
en iyi yardımcı erkek oyuncu: (bkz: christopher plummer) - beginners
(bkz: kenneth branagh) - my week with marilyn
(bkz: jonah hill) - moneyball
(bkz: nick nolte) - warrior
(bkz: max von sydow) - extremely loud and incredibly close
en iyi yardımcı kadın oyuncu: (bkz: octavia spencer) - the help
(bkz: berenice bejo) - the artist
(bkz: jessica chastain) - the help
(bkz: melissa mccarthy) - bridesmaids
(bkz: janet mcteer) - albert nobbs
en iyi özgün senaryo: (bkz: midnight in paris) - woody allen
(bkz: the artist)
(bkz: bridesmaids)
(bkz: margin call)
(bkz: a separation)
en iyi uyarlama senaryo: (bkz: the descendants)
(bkz: hugo)
(bkz: the ides of march)
(bkz: moneyball)
(bkz: tinker tailor soldier spy)
en iyi animasyon: (bkz: rango) - gore verbinski
(bkz: a cat in paris)
(bkz: chico and rita)
(bkz: kung fu panda 2)
(bkz: puss in boots)
yabancı dilde en iyi film: (bkz: a separation) ( iran) - asghar farhadi
(bkz: bullhead) ( belçika) - michael r. roskam
(bkz: footnote) ( israil) - joseph cedar
(bkz: in darkness) ( polonya) - agnieszka holland
(bkz: monsieur lazhar) ( kanada / fransızca) - philippe falardeau
en iyi görüntü yönetmenliği: (bkz: hugo)
(bkz: the artist)
(bkz: the girl with the dragon tattoo)
(bkz: the tree of life)
(bkz: war horse)
en iyi kurgu: (bkz: the girl with the dragon tattoo)
(bkz: the artist)
(bkz: the descendants)
(bkz: hugo)
(bkz: moneyball)
en iyi görsel efekt: (bkz: hugo)
(bkz: harry potter and the deathly hallows - part 2)
(bkz: real steel)
(bkz: rise of the planet of the apes)
(bkz: transformers: dark of the moon)