1. youtu.be/...

    david bowie'nin kendi adını taşıyan albümünden, sonradan imzası haline gelmiş şarkısı. daha sonra david bowie, bu şarkı için yarattığı major tom karakterini şarkısında da ziyaret eder. şarkıyı adlı sempatik, favori astronotumuz da içerisinden çalıp söyleyerek kaydetmişti:


    ayrıca david bowie versiyonunda mellotron, tarafından çalınıyormuş ki kendisini 'in klavyecisi olarak biliriz.

    sözleri şöyle:

    Ground Control to Major Tom
    Ground Control to Major Tom
    Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
    Ground Control to Major Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)
    Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three)
    Check ignition and may God's love be with you (two, one, liftoff)
    This is Ground Control to Major Tom
    You've really made the grade
    And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
    Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
    "This is Major Tom to Ground Control
    I'm stepping through the door
    And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
    And the stars look very different today
    For here
    Am I sitting in a tin can
    Far above the world
    Planet Earth is blue
    And there's nothing I can do
    Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
    I'm feeling very still
    And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
    Tell my wife I love her very much she knows
    Ground Control to Major Tom
    Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you "Here am I floating 'round my tin can
    Far above the moon
    Planet Earth is blue
    And there's nothing I can do"
    #242087 taro | 4 yıl önce
  2. 'ın uzağa gönderdiği aracın içinde çalan, 'nin harika parçası.
    #75067 lois lane | 7 yıl önce