amerikan bilim kurgu ve fantezi yazarları derneği (sfwa)tarafından amerikada yayınlanan çalışmalara verilen ödüle denir. 1965 yılından bugüne gelen bir ödüldür.
Ödül 4 ana kategoride verilir.
Best Novel: kelime sayısı 40.000 ve üzeri çalışmalar için Best Novella: kelime sayısı 40.000 ile 17.500 arasındaki çalışmalar için Best Novelette: kelime sayısı 17.500 ile 7.500 arasındaki çalışmalar için Best Short Story: kelime sayısı 7500'den daha az çalışmalar için
1965 yılından bugüne kadar 4 kategori için ödüle layık görülen eserler ve yazarları şöyledir.
Best Novel: 1965 Dune-Frank Herbert 1966 Babel-17-Samuel R. Delany 1966 Flowers for Algernon-Daniel Keyes 1967 The Einstein Intersection-Samuel R. Delany 1968 Rite of Passage-Alexei Panshin 1969 The Left Hand of Darkness-Ursula K. Le Guin 1970 Ringworld-Larry Niven 1971 A Time of Changes-Robert Silverberg 1972 The Gods Themselves-Isaac Asimov 1973 Rendezvous with Rama-Arthur C. Clarke 1974 The Dispossessed -Ursula K. Le Guin 1975 The Forever War-Joe Haldeman 1976 Man Plus-Frederik Pohl 1977 Gateway-Frederik Pohl 1978 Dreamsnake-Vonda N. McIntyre 1979 The Fountains of Paradise-Arthur C. Clarke 1980 Timescape-Gregory Benford 1981 The Claw of the Conciliator-Gene Wolfe 1982 No Enemy But Time-Michael Bishop 1983 Startide Rising-David Brin 1984 Neuromancer -William Gibson 1985 Ender's Game-Orson Scott Card 1986 Speaker for the Dead-Orson Scott Card 1987 The Falling Woman-Pat Murphy 1988 Falling Free-Lois McMaster Bujold 1989 The Healer's War-Elizabeth Ann Scarborough 1990 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea-Ursula K. Le Guin 1991 Stations of the Tide-Michael Swanwick 1992 Doomsday Book-Connie Willis 1993 Red Mars-Kim Stanley Robinson 1994 Moving Mars-Greg Bear 1995 The Terminal Experiment-Robert J. Sawyer 1996 Slow River-Nicola Griffith 1997 The Moon and the Sun -Vonda N. McIntyre 1998 Forever Peace-Joe Haldeman 1999 Parable of the Talents-Octavia E. Butler 2000 Darwin's Radio-Greg Bear 2001 The Quantum Rose-Catherine Asaro 2002 American Gods-Neil Gaiman 2003 The Speed of Dark-Elizabeth Moon 2004 Paladin of Souls-Lois McMaster Bujold 2005 Camouflage-Joe Haldeman 2006 Seeker-Jack McDevitt 2007 The Yiddish Policemen's Union-Michael Chabon 2008 Powers-Ursula K. Le Guin 2009 The Windup Girl-Paolo Bacigalupi 2010 Blackout/All Clear-Connie Willis 2011 Among Others-Jo Walton 2012 2312-Kim Stanley Robinson 2013 Ancillary Justice-Ann Leckie 2014 Annihilation-Jeff VanderMeer 2015 Uprooted-Naomi Novik 2016 All the Birds in the Sky-Charlie Jane Anders
Best Novella: 1965 The Saliva Tree-Brian W. Aldiss 1965 He Who Shapes-Roger Zelazny 1966 The Last Castle-Jack Vance 1967 Behold the Man-Michael Moorcock 1968 Dragonrider-Anne McCaffrey 1969 A Boy and His Dog-Harlan Ellison 1970 Ill Met in Lankhmar-Fritz Leiber 1971 The Missing Man-Katherine MacLean 1972 A Meeting with Medusa-Arthur C. Clarke 1973 The Death of Doctor Island-Gene Wolfe 1974 Born with the Dead-Robert Silverberg 1975 Home Is the Hangman-Roger Zelazny 1976 Houston, Houston, Do You Read?-James Tiptree, Jr. 1977 Stardance-Spider/Jeanne Robinson 1978 The Persistence of Vision-John Varley 1979 Enemy Mine-Barry B. Longyear 1980 Unicorn Tapestry-Suzy McKee Charnas 1981 The Saturn Game-Poul Anderson 1982 Another Orphan-John Kessel 1983 Hardfought-Greg Bear 1984 Press ENTER-John Varley 1985 Sailing to Byzantium-Robert Silverberg 1986 R&R-Lucius Shepard 1987 The Blind Geometer-Kim Stanley Robinson 1988 The Last of the Winnebagos-Connie Willis 1989 The Mountains of Mourning-Lois McMaster Bujold 1990 The Hemingway Hoax-Joe Haldeman 1991 Beggars in Spain-Nancy Kress 1992 City of Truth-James Morrow 1993 The Night We Buried Road Dog-Jack Cady 1994 Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge-Mike Resnick 1995 Last Summer at Mars Hill-Elizabeth Hand 1996 Da Vinci Rising-Jack Dann 1997 Abandon in Place-Jerry Oltion 1998 Reading the Bones-Sheila Finch 1999 Story of Your Life-Ted Chiang 2000 Goddesses-Linda Nagata 2001 The Ultimate Earth-Jack Williamson 2002 Bronte's Egg-Richard Chwedyk 2003 Coraline-Neil Gaiman 2004 The Green Leopard Plague-Walter Jon Williams 2005 Magic for Beginners-Kelly Link 2006 Burn-James Patrick Kelly 2007 Fountain of Age-Nancy Kress 2008 The Spacetime Pool-Catherine Asaro 2009 The Women of Nell Gwynne's-Kage Baker 2010 The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen's Window-Rachel Swirsky 2011 The Man Who Bridged the Mist-Kij Johnson 2012 After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall-Nancy Kress 2013 The Weight of the Sunrise-Vylar Kaftan 2014 Yesterday's Kin-Nancy Kress 2015 Binti-Nnedi Okorafor 2016 Every Heart a Doorway-Seanan McGuire
Best Novelette: 1965 The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth-Roger Zelazny 1966 Call Him Lord-Gordon R. Dickson 1967 Gonna Roll the Bones-Fritz Leiber 1968 Mother to the World-Richard Wilson 1969 Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones-Samuel R. Delany 1970 Slow Sculpture-Theodore Sturgeon 1971 The Queen of Air and Darkness-Poul Anderson 1972 Goat Song-Poul Anderson 1973 Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand-Vonda N. McIntyre 1974 If the Stars Are Gods-Gordon Eklund 1975 San Diego Lightfoot Sue-Tom Reamy 1976 The Bicentennial Man-Isaac Asimov 1977 The Screwfly Solution-Alice Sheldon 1978 A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye-Charles L. Grant 1979 Sandkings-George R. R. Martin 1980 The Ugly Chickens-Howard Waldrop 1981 The Quickening-Michael Bishop 1982 Fire Watch-Connie Willis 1983 Blood Music-Greg Bear 1984 Bloodchild-Octavia E. Butler 1985 Portraits of His Children-George R. R. Martin 1986 The Girl Who Fell into the Sky-Kate Wilhelm 1987 Rachel in Love-Pat Murphy 1988 Schrödinger's Kitten-George Alec Effinger 1989 At the Rialto-Connie Willis 1990 Tower of Babylon-Ted Chiang 1991 Guide Dog-Michael Conner 1992 Danny Goes to Mars-Pamela Sargent 1993 Georgia on My Mind-Charles Sheffield 1994 The Martian Child-David Gerrold 1995 Solitude-Ursula K. Le Guin 1996 Lifeboat on a Burning Sea-Bruce Holland Rogers 1997 The Flowers of Aulit Prison-Nancy Kress 1998 Lost Girls-Jane Yolen 1999 Mars Is No Place for Children-Mary A. Turzillo 2000 Daddy's World-Walter Jon Williams 2001 Louise's Ghost-Kelly Link 2002 Hell Is the Absence of God-Ted Chiang 2003 The Empire of Ice Cream-Jeffrey Ford 2004 Basement Magic-Ellen Klages 2005 The Faery Handbag-Kelly Link 2006 Two Hearts-Peter S. Beagle 2007 The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate-Ted Chiang 2008 Pride and Prometheus-John Kessel 2009 Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast-Eugie Foster 2010 That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made-Eric James Stone 2011 What We Found-Geoff Ryman 2012 Close Encounters-Andy Duncan 2013 The Waiting Stars -Aliette de Bodard 2014 A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai'i-Alaya Dawn Johnson 2015 Our Lady of the Open Road -Sarah Pinsker 2016 The Long Fall Up-William Ledbetter