1. tevratın ve hristiyan incilinin ikinci kitabı.aynı zamanda bob marley albümü.şarkı listesi;

    1.Natural Mystic
    2.So Much Things to Say
    4.The Heathen
    7.Waiting in Vain
    8.Turn Your Lights Down Low
    9.Three Little Birds
    10.One Love/People Get Ready
    #45092 humblesquirtle | 8 yıl önce
  2. göç etmek, çıkmak, ayrılmak, bir yerden başka bir yere yol almak, şeklinde farklı anlamlara gelen kelime.

    latince : çıkış
    ingilizce : göç
    #45131 the ancient one | 8 yıl önce
    0genel terim 

  3. 'in 1977'de çıkardığı albümündeki parçalar şöyle:

    #212834 Angel Spy | 4 yıl önce
    0müzik albümü 

  4. 'in 1977'de çıkan albümündeki parça


    exodus: movement of jah people! oh-oh-oh, yea-eah!
    men and people will fight ya down (tell me why!)
    when ya see jah light. (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
    let me tell you if you're not wrong; (then, why?)
    everything is all right.
    so we gonna walk - all right! - through de roads of creation:
    we the generation (tell me why!)
    (trod through great tribulation) trod through great tribulation.

    exodus, all right! movement of jah people!
    oh, yeah! o-oo, yeah! all right!
    exodus: movement of jah people! oh, yeah!

    yeah-yeah-yeah, well!
    uh! open your eyes and look within:
    are you satisfied (with the life you're living)? uh!
    we know where we're going, uh!
    we know where we're from.
    we're leaving babylon,
    we're going to our father land.

    2, 3, 4: exodus: movement of jah people! oh, yeah!
    (movement of jah people!) send us another brother moses!
    (movement of jah people!) from across the red sea!
    (movement of jah people!) send us another brother moses!
    (movement of jah people!) from across the red sea!
    movement of jah people!

    exodus, all right! oo-oo-ooh! oo-ooh!
    movement of jah people! oh, yeah!
    exodus! all right!
    exodus! now, now, now, now!
    exodus! oh, yea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-eah!
    exodus! all right!
    exodus! uh-uh-uh-uh!

    move! move! move! move! move! move!

    open your eyes and look within:
    are you satisfied with the life you're living?
    we know where we're going;
    we know where we're from.
    we're leaving babylon, y'all!
    we're going to our father's land.

    exodus, all right! movement of jah people!
    exodus: movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!

    move! move! move! move! move! move! move!

    jah come to break downpression,
    rule equality,
    wipe away transgression,
    set the captives free.

    exodus, all right, all right!
    movement of jah people! oh, yeah!
    exodus: movement of jah people! oh, now, now, now, now!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!

    move! move! move! move! move! move! uh-uh-uh-uh!
    move(ment of jah people)!
    move(ment of jah people)!
    move(ment of jah people)!
    move(ment of jah people)! movement of jah people!
    move(ment of jah people)!
    move(ment of jah people)!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    movement of jah people!
    #212855 Angel Spy | 4 yıl önce