1. bir türk şarkısından çalınmıştır.

    wenner: the next record was “aftermath,” which has “paint ıt, black,” “under my thumb” and “stupid girl.” does that stand out in your mind at all?
    jagger: that was a big landmark record for me. ıt’s the first time we wrote the whole record and finally laid to rest the ghost of having to do these very nice and interesting, no doubt, but still cover versions of old r&b songs – which we didn’t really feel we were doing justice, to be perfectly honest, particularly because we didn’t have the maturity. plus, everyone was doing it.
    [aftermath] has a very wide spectrum of music styles: “paint ıt, black” was this kind of turkish song; and there were also very bluesy things like “goin’ home”; and ı remember some sort of ballads on there. ıt had a lot of good songs, it had a lot of different styles, and it was very well recorded. so it was, to my mind, a real marker.

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    #181892 semender | 5 yıl önce (  5 yıl önce)