ultima online oyunun en korkunç dungeon'ı olan doom gauntlet içindeki champ'ları öldürerek elde edilebilen normallerinden çok daha üstün niteliklerde ve nadir bulunabilen silah, mücevher ve zırh gibi parçaların tümüne verilen isimdir. bunlar;
- aegis (ægis)
- arcane shield
- armor of fortune
- axe of the heavens
- blade of insanity
- bone crusher
- bracelet of health
- breath of the dead
- divine countenance
- frostbringer
- gauntlets of nobility
- hat of the magi
- helm of insight
- holy knight's breastplate
- hunter's headdress
- jackal's collar
- legacy of the dread lord
- leggings of bane
- midnight bracers
- ornament of the magician
- ornate crown of the harrower
- ring of the elements
- ring of the vile
- serpent's fang
- shadow dancer leggings
- spirit of the totem
- staff of the magi
- the berserker's maul
- the dragon slayer
- the dryad bow
- the taskmaster
- tunic of fire
- voice of the fallen king
(bkz: doom stealable artifacts)
(bkz: minor artifacts)
(bkz: minor treasures of tokuno)
(bkz: major treasures of tokuno)
(bkz: craftable artifacts)